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I aon't know about you all, but this winter has really gotten me down.

It's bad enough that the days are shortened, and there is so little sunlight. But add a winter freeze and temperatures below 40 for a week at a time, and I am about beside myself with sadness and a need to just hobbit my way into a dark hole before a toasty fire and beneath a plaid blanket until the sun and spring returns!

But, alas, we cannot control the weather can we, my friend? So, in lieu of such magical powers, here are 3 things we all, as readers, can do to survive these bleak mid-winter blues.

Tip #1 - Embrace the Cozy Reading Nook

Embrace your inner hobbit with a cozy reading nook this winter.

  • Create a dedicated space. Perhaps, it can be a comfortable chair or a cozy corner of your home or room.

  • Add some ambiance. Turn on some soft lighting. Grab a warm blanket. And don't forget that soothing music can always enhance the moment.

  • Stock up on comfort. Have a stash of your favorite teas, hot cocoa, or even some healthy snacks nearby. And don't forget the power of a cup wamer to keep from having to pull yourself out of your book to go back and rewarm that drink!

Tip #2 - Winter Reading Retreat

In addition to a cozy winter reading nook, maybe consider indulging in the power of a Winter Reading Retreat.

  • Plan a "staycation." Grab that book you have been wanting to read, or have been needing to finish, and dedicate a weekend, or even one day, to pure reading bliss.

  • Unplug from distractions. Remember, it's a retreat, so let your clients and family know you won't be available that day. Put your phone on Do Not Disburb, and disconnect from social media.

  • Indulge in a new genre. If you are brave enough, use this time to explore a new author or even a new genre. Your retreat may well turn into a small adventure!

Winter was made for warm blankets and large books.

Tip #3 - Mindful Reading Practices

Winter is a slow-down time, or it should be. In times past, people understood that winter was a time for rest and reflection. They stayed indoors and did those things they had no time for during planting and harvesting. So how can you practice slowing down this winter?

  • Avoid rushing. Instead of racing through pages, savor each sentence and paragraph. Reread sections that are appealing, dramatic, or just give you the warm feels.

  • Practice active reading. Take notes. Highlight passages that resonate with you, especially if you are reading non-fiction. Take time to reflect on what you are reading.

  • Read aloud. Reading alout can help with focus and improve comprehension. And sometimes, it just feels good to talk into an empty room or house and hear only yourself.

Make this winter count . . .

Reading as little as six minutes a day, and up to thirty minutes, can drastically reduce the physical symptoms of stress, including lowering your heart rate and your blood pressure. So take the time this winter to decompress and slow down.


About Donna

Donna Hechler Porter has always had stories in her head. When they were not swirling and gnawing, she had her head in a history book - both fiction and non-fiction. Now, she puts her love of old things, including her genealogy, to good use by writing both genealogy books and novels. She has published five historical novels, several of which have won awards, four genealogy books on her family history, and several smallish books including a book on the 1778 Big Siege of Fort Boonesborough and a book with tips and tricks for bringing history to life for young people. A graduate of Texas A & M University, Donna recently embarked on a career in real estate. She lives northIeast of Houston with twin sons who are launching into the world on their own and way too many animals that are not. She dreams of life in a log cabin in the woods, even as she is addicted to antique and thrift shopping.

If you live in southeast Texas and would like Donna to come speak at your reading, genealogy, or history club, please contact her. She is more than likely to say yes! 


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