Book Review: "Pure as the Lily" by Dame Catherine Cookson
And dreamed not yet of hands turned white; like lilies, If you have read my previous blogs, or talked to me in person, you know Catherine...
Winter "Stay-Warm" Giveaway 2018
If you have joined my reading group on Facebook - Books, Chocolate, and Men in Tricorns - you know I like -- books, chocolate, and men in...
Pocketbooks and Pie Crusts
So. Just like that, I added five hours to my tutoring schedule per week, and my writing time, er . . . just got cut down. Adding a high...
Alligator . . . er, Chocolate Buttermilk Pie
Alligator Pie, Alligator Pie, If I don't get some I think I'm gonna die, Give away the green grass, give away the sky, But don't give...
The Table that Jack Built . . . er, Donna or Is that a Confederate flag I see?
This is the table that Jack . . . er, Donna, built (or moved, or set up or, whatever.) There is the notebook that was thrown on the table...
The Voice are Gone, The Voices are Gone, But Not For Long For Long . . .
The voices in my head are finally silent. The Rood is finished. Yep – I know I sound crazy, but it’s true. I write to get the stories out...
Newbies Boobies . . . Or, Yes Cinderella, dreams do come true!
And so, I went missing in action. Again. No Facebook posts. No Twitter Tweets. No blogging. Now I must preface this by saying that the...
Queen Anyone? I don't think so . . .
I am glad I am not a monarch. But more on that in a minute. I have been watching CW’s Reign the past few months on Netflix. Now let me be...
A House with a Broken Heart
“Yet it was not heavy, or pompous. It managed somehow, to combine vastness with delicacy; titanic proportions with grace and warmth . ....
Milk Glass Mania - It's Not What You Think
I have always wanted to live in an old house with history (although I draw the line at ghosts.) I also wanted said house to have lots of...